Saturday, September 26, 2009

Did Jesus Give to Charities?

Ignoring the logistical problem that this questions poses–specifically, that there were no charities as we know them today–we can still ask whether Jesus gave his wealth to good causes.

Firstly, Jesus didn't have much in the way of wealth. His ministry was fueled by people along the way. They fed him and gave him a place to stay. Jesus, in that sense, was a charity case.

While Jesus likely had skill as a carpenter, there is no evidence that Jesus ever made much of an income or really engaged in what we might call the formal economy. This would make it difficult for Jesus to give to a charity.

There are cases where Jesus volunteers his time. In fact, this is mostly what we know about Jesus. He went around helping people out, performing miracles, and never asking for money or even credit.

Jesus is a big believer in giving away wealth. He tells one man to sell everything and give it to the poor. The man didn't do it, as far as we know.

Did Jesus give to charities? Wealth, no. Talent and time, yes.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Did Jesus Masturbate?

I asked this question to a preacher friend of mine. She reminded me that he was, indeed, fully human... which means he probably did.

But then, Jesus was also without sin, which means no lusting. Well, it's pretty hard not to lust when masturbating. This leaves at an impasse.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Did Jesus Wear Mandals?

While it is well documented that Jesus wore sandals, it is unknown whether those sandals would qualify as mandals. Two schools of thought on the mandals v. sandals debate that still transfixes Bible studies around the world.

The first school of thought holds forth that all sandals in that day were mandals because mandals offer the maximum foot protection among open-toed footwear. Flip-flops and mere sandals came about later once shoes obviated mandals.

The second school points to Jesus's self-imposed poverty. Many people think that both sandals and mandals coexisted in that day and that mandals would have inevitably more expensive. Jesus, being a simple man, would have opted for the less expensive option.

The debate has further been complicated by gladiator sandals. Because the Romans were the occupying oppressors of Jesus's day, it is unlikely that Jesus would wear Roman footwear, but it is also possible that no other styles but gladiator sandals were available.

The truth is, that Jesus wore Jesus sandals–a flimsy shower shoe of a woven sandal.